The man behind the lens, CHARLES KING.



I grew up in the picturesque mountains of the Shenandoah Valley, which provided me with a great appreciation for the beauty in everyday moments. In the beauty that often goes unnoticed. My passion for photography began organically, by taking photos for family, friends, and fellow members of my congregation. As my love for visual storytelling grew, I sought out professional photographers who took me under their wing and helped me to develop a signature style.

My signature style is designed to deliver a clean and engaging method of visual storytelling that captures the beauty of a forgotten moment and commemorates milestones and magical moments. Also to deliver a photo or video that can be shared and relived for generations to come. This is what inspires me! I have had the privilege of providing my photography and videography for clients around the nation, and now that I have shifted my entire studio to serve our clients on location for their convenience I plan to expand even further.

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I just want to amplify a person or a company’s message and story so that it reaches their ideal audience

~Charles King