Meeting Virtually Before Photo and Video Sessions: Here's Why It's a Must

As a business owner and content creator, I am always looking for ways to improve my clients' experience and make our sessions as successful as possible. One way I have found to achieve this is by meeting with all my clients virtually before our photo or video session.

There are several reasons why I prefer to meet with my clients via video (zoom, google, hangout, or facetime) prior to our session. Firstly, meeting virtually allows us to develop a subconscious rapport. I find that most people tend to get a little nervous, awkward, or just not themselves when they are in front of the camera, and having strangers around can make them even more uncomfortable. Meeting virtually prior to the session takes that initial meeting away, and we can focus on creating an environment that will make the client feel comfortable and relaxed. This not only improves the final product, but it also makes the experience better overall.

Secondly, meeting virtually allows for free-flowing questions and for me to explain parts of the assignment that clients might have brushed over. By going over every detail of what's going to happen, clients can know what to expect and if they have any concerns, we can address them before the session. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

By meeting with our clients virtually before the session, we can ensure that we understand their needs and goals and provide them with a custom-tailored service that reflects our commitment to quality and professionalism.

In conclusion, meeting with clients via video chat before our photo or video session has numerous benefits. It allows us to establish a rapport with the client, go over every detail of the assignment, and ensure that everyone is on the same page. At C King Media, we take pride in delivering exceptional service and outstanding results, and we look forward to working with you to capture the essence of your brand and tell your unique story.


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